Prayer Tip #1

January 8, 2010 by · 1 Comment 

Prayer Tip #1 By Apostle Jamie Pleasant; Ph.D.

I want to help you have a more powerful and fruitful prayer life. I will be sharing special prayer tips to enable you to unlock untapped power in prayer.
How refreshing it is to know that as you are praying and your countenance begin to change, all evil and destructive things that you bring with you in prayer will change right before your eyes. Those things will fall off of you in the middle of the transfiguration process of prayer. What a blessing to know that we can take our problems, doubts and burdens to the Lord in prayer and leave them there and more so, watch them be changed right in front of our eyes while we are praying. Prayer is the vehicle where what God has for us and wants to do through us, comes to us. We should experience the miracle of change during prayer every time we pray. Change should not be something that we hope for after we pray. Prayer should produce change within us before we say Amen at the end of praying. Try this exercise right now by first beginning to pray. As you pray, hold your arms out with your palms up and your eyes open and picture heaven opening up to you. Next, just sit there and wait to hear God say something to you. He may speak out audibly to you or He may speak quietly to you in your spirit. Don’t make the mistake of hearing a voice in your head and think that it is just you talking to yourself. Most of the time, it is God speaking to you, through you. Yes! He speaks to you, through you. Center yourself and anticipate His voice. Once you hear from Him, write down below what He said to you. I promise that you are going to hear from God for yourself.
Try it and give God the praise!

Apostle Pleasant


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